Apex Legends get heirloom boost

With Apex Legends becoming more & more competitive, everyone wants to unlock the most prestigious badges, earn more kills & wins, and level up their Battle Pass. The best way to do this is with our Apex Legends boosting service. Our professional Apex Legends boosters are among the best in the world, and will efficiently complete your boost right when you send in a request.


At boost.gg we make it simple to purchase any kind of boost you could want for Apex Legends. We believe that you should be able to customize the best boost to suit your needs. You may choose from our four main Apex Legends boosting options:

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[COLOR="Orange"][CENTER][SIZE="8"]Apex Legends Boosting from[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
[CENTER][URL=https://boost.gg][IMG=expandable: 0, title: boost.gg]http://i.epvpimg.com/0ndMbab.png[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER]

[INDENT][INDENT]With Apex Legends becoming more & more competitive, everyone wants to unlock the most prestigious badges, earn more kills & wins, and level up their Battle Pass. The best way to do this is with our [URL="https://boost.gg/apex-legends-boost"]Apex Legends Boosting[/URL] service. Our professional Apex Legends boosters are among the best in the world, and will efficiently complete your boost right when you send in a request.

At [URL="https://boost.gg"]boost.gg[/URL], we make it simple to purchase any kind of boost you could want for Apex Legends. We believe that you should be able to customize the best boost to suit your needs. You may choose from our four main Apex Legends boosting options:[/INDENT][/INDENT]

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[COLOR="Orange"][CENTER][SIZE="6"][URL="https://boost.gg/request#apex-legends-badges"]Badge Boosting[/URL][/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]

Our most popular Apex Legends boost is our achievement badge boosting. We will quickly earn any badge for any legend that you require. The process of selecting your requested badges is simple and straightforward. Finally get prestigous badges you've always wanted like [I]Legend's Wake[/I], [I]Rapid Elimination[/I], or [I]Triple Triple[/I].
[*][B]Choose[/B] all of the achievement badges you would like to be completed
[*][B]Choose[/B] the specific Legend to complete the achievement on (for Legends specific badges)
[*][B]Choose[/B] the badge tier level to be completed (for tiered badges)
Read more about our Apex Legends Badge Boosting, or send in a request to get started.[/INDENT][/INDENT]

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[COLOR="Orange"][CENTER][SIZE="6"][URL="https://boost.gg/request#apex-legends-kills"]Kill Boosting[/URL][/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]

Having a huge amount of kills on your profile is the best way to know if someone is an experienced player or not. But getting such a high amount of kills can be a daunting task for any player. Our ruthless boosters are exceptionally good at earning kills. The amount of damage and kills our Apex Legends boosters put out is exceptional.
[*][B]Choose[/B] how many kills you would like to earn
[*][B]Choose[/B] the specific Legend to get the kills on
[*][B]Choose[/B] the preferred weapon type to use
[URL="https://boost.gg/apex-legends-boost/kills"]Read more[/URL] about our Apex Legends Kill Boosting[/INDENT][/INDENT]


At boost.gg, we make it simple to purchase win boosting in Apex. You can choose a standard Account Boost, where we will have one of our professionals log onto your account and quickly win games for you. You can also choose to purchase a Squad Carry, where our boosters will squad up with you and carry you through the games.

[*][B]Choose[/B] any number of wins you would like completed (up to 25 max per purchase) with a discount for buying in bulk.

[*][B]Choose[/B] either:
[*]Standard Account Boost (One of our pro boosters logs onto your account and wins)
[*]Squad Carry Boost (Our pro boosters invite you to a squad and carry you through wins)
[*][B]Choose[/B] the Legend you would prefer to get played (for Account Boosts)

Our Apex Legends boosters are some of the top-ranked Apex Legends players in the entire world. Kill averages from them range for them range from 10-20 per game, and have over a 35% winrate in ALL matches.

When you buy our boost for Apex Legends, not only will you be winning games, but you'll also be boosting your kills and other statistics. This will show off your prestige and status to other players. We specifically let you set your preferred Legend character for this reason.

We are the best service for getting wins in Apex Legends. You will be instantly matched with the perfect booster for your needs. You don't even have to pay until your booster is ready to begin. We make getting wins in Apex as simple as possible. To get started, just send in a [URL="https://boost.gg/request#apex-legends"]request[/URL] on our website.


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[COLOR="Orange"][CENTER][SIZE="8"]Apex Legends Boosting from[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]

[CENTER][URL=https://boost.gg][IMG=expandable: 0, title: boost.gg]http://i.epvpimg.com/0ndMbab.png[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER]

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[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]With Apex Legends becoming more & more competitive, everyone wants to unlock the most prestigious badges, earn more kills & wins, and level up their Battle Pass. The best way to do this is with our [URL="https://boost.gg/apex-legends-boost"]Apex Legends Boosting[/URL] service. Our professional Apex Legends boosters are among the best in the world, and will efficiently complete your boost right when you send in a request.

At [URL="https://boost.gg"]boost.gg[/URL], we make it simple to purchase any kind of boost you could want for Apex Legends. We have professional boosters from around the globe and on all platforms (PC, PS4, Xbox). We believe that you should be able to customize the best boost to suit your needs. You may choose from our four main Apex Legends boosting options:[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]

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[COLOR="Orange"][CENTER][SIZE="6"][URL="https://boost.gg/request#apex-legends-badges"]Badge Boosting[/URL][/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]

Our most popular Apex Legends boost is our achievement badge boosting. We will quickly earn any badge for any legend that you require. The process of selecting your requested badges is simple and straightforward. Finally get prestigious badges you've always wanted like [I]Legend's Wake[/I], [I]Rapid Elimination[/I], or [I]Triple Triple[/I]. Once you get the badge of your choice, you'll have it forever and will be able to show it off to other players. Players will fear you once they see these incredibly esteemed badges on your profile.

[*][B]Choose[/B] all of the achievement badges you would like to be completed
[*][B]Choose[/B] the specific Legend to complete the achievement on (for Legends specific badges)
[*][B]Choose[/B] the badge tier level to be completed (for tiered badges)
[URL="https://boost.gg/apex-legends-boost/badges"]Read more[/URL] about our Apex Legends Badge Boosting.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]

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[COLOR="Orange"][CENTER][SIZE="6"][URL="https://boost.gg/request#apex-legends-kills"]Kill Boosting[/URL][/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]

Having a huge amount of kills on your profile is the best way to know if someone is an experienced player or not. But getting such a high amount of kills can be a daunting task for any player. Our ruthless boosters are exceptionally good at earning kills. The amount of damage and kills our Apex Legends boosters put out is exceptional.
[*][B]Choose[/B] how many kills you would like to earn
[*][B]Choose[/B] the specific Legend to get the kills on
[*][B]Choose[/B] the preferred weapon type to use
[URL="https://boost.gg/apex-legends-boost/kills"]Read more[/URL] about our Apex Legends Kill Boosting[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]

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[COLOR="Orange"][CENTER][SIZE="6"][URL="https://boost.gg/request#apex-legends-wins"]Win Boosting[/URL][/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]

When you buy our win boost for Apex Legends, not only will you be winning games quickly, but you'll also be boosting your kills and other statistics. This will show off your prestige and status to other players. This is a great choice for just an all around stat-boost on your account. Want to get even better at Apex Legends too? Choose a Squad Carry and you'll get to learn directly from our pros.
[*][B]Choose[/B] any number of wins you would like completed (up to 25 max per purchase) with a discount for buying in bulk.
[*][B]Choose[/B] either:
[INDENT]- Standard Account Boost (One of our pro boosters logs onto your account and wins)
 - Squad Carry Boost (Our pro boosters invite you to a squad and carry you through wins)[/INDENT]
[*][B]Choose[/B] the Legend you would prefer to get played (for Account Boosts)
[URL="https://boost.gg/apex-legends-boost/wins"]Read more[/URL] about our Apex Legends Win Boosting.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]

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[COLOR="Orange"][CENTER][SIZE="6"][URL="https://boost.gg/request#apex-legends-levels"]Level Boosting (Powerleveling)[/URL][/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]

Need to get your account up to level 100 still? This is the perfect boost for you. You earn tons of cosmetic items and other loot from Apex Packs during your leveling. But even if you're at level cap, you still need to complete your Battle Pass. The BP gives exclusive content that can only be gotten each season. This means there is a limited time frame to get your rare skins. However, each season brings with it 100 new levels to go through. You may find it hard to complete all the levels in a small amount of time. This boost makes it easy to make sure you are progressing through all the levels every time.
[*][B]Choose[/B] whether or not you want an Account Boost or a Battle Pass boost
[*][B]Choose[/B] the levels to be completed by putting in your current level and the level you would like to go up to during the boost.
[URL="https://boost.gg/apex-legends-boost/levels"]Read more[/URL] about our Apex Legends Level Boosting.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]

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[INDENT][CENTER][URL="https://boost.gg/apex-legends-boost"][IMG=expandable: 0, title: boost.gg's Apex Legends boosting]http://epvpimg.com/VoMZcab.png[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER]

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[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]We are the #1 service for getting a boost in Apex Legends. To get started, just send in a [URL="https://boost.gg/request#apex-legends"]request[/URL] on our website. You will be instantly matched with the perfect booster for your needs. You don't even have to pay until your booster is ready to begin. We make achieveing your goals in Apex Legends a reality. Become the Legend you we're born to be![/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]

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